Kimberly Peil

No, She Looks Just like Me!

In Uncategorized on January 29, 2011 at 8:53 pm

I hear it all the time… “Oh, Ella looks just like Hunter!  A little, mini-Hunter!”  I know, I know.  And I agree.  And I am happy that it is very obvious that Hunter is the father of my child.  No doubt about it.  But for some reason I would like to hear, just every once in a while, that Ella looks like me.  I don’t know why that is a big deal, but it kind of is.

So I am just sharing a couple pics of me when I was right around Ella’s age.  And other than the eye color, I am pretty sure she looks just like me.

So, do you see it?


  1. In the first pic of you I can see Ella’s cheeks. In the second pic of you I see…..ELLA! That is the classis Ella open-mouth grin you have posted so many pictures of.
    I don’t know why it matters, but it has always mattered to me as well. There is something really adorable about seeing your husband in the face of your child, but I love hearing that my kids look like me too. Even if they don’t.

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